2011 Native American Dollars Added to Direct Ship
Rolls of the 2011 Native American Dollars are now available through the United States Mint's Direct Ship Program. The program allows $1 coins to be purchased at face value for the intended purpose of introducing them into circulation.

Availability through the Direct Ship Program comes ahead of the launch ceremony for the coin, as well as the numismatic roll offering. The official launch ceremony for the coin is planned for March 25 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The 25-coin numismatic rolls, which are sold at $39.95 per roll, will not be available until March 28. The 2011 Native American Dollars have already been released within the US Mint's annual sets released in January and early February. The coins in these sets feature a proof or brilliant finish.
The Direct Ship Rolls are available in boxes containing ten 25-coin rolls, for a total $250 face value. The coins may be purchased at face value with no additional charge for shipping and handling. By placing an order, the customer agrees that they will comply with the intended purpose of the program.
There is a limit of 4-boxes ($1,000 face value) for every 10 day period.
Other designs available through the Direct Ship Program include 2001 Sacagawea Dollars, 2010 Native American Dollars, and the Presidential Dollars featuring George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, and Abraham Lincoln. The US Mint product page can be accessed here.
Coin Update News: 2011-W Gold and Silver Eagles
Labels: Other Coins
Admittedly, I'm a sucker for the annual NA offering and always get at least 2 boxes every year.
I don't mind spending them around town and circulating the little critters.
Just eliminate the $1bill like Canada did and it will work (folks will accept using the $1 coin).
Keep the $1bill and it won't work.
I've been saying this for over 10 years now, but I guess the government knows best.
Who will be buying the $40 version when you can get the same product for $25 ? What am I missing here?
There is one (minor) difference between this offering and the $40/roll offering. With the latter, you get to choose the mint mark.
I just placed an order and my email confirmation shows that they added $4.95 for shipping. I also don't see any language on the order page about this being free shipping (as it was in the past). Does anyone know if they changed this?
True, but my past experience has been that you eventually end up getting both Mint marks in the end from the Direct Ship program. Sometimes you get P, sometimes you get D. I guess it all depends on what they have on hand at the time. If you order enough times, you will get both eventually.
I'll buy rolls wrapped in the normal Fed paper at face value over paying a $14.95 premium per roll for one wrapped in "special" Mint paper any day! Besides, like a previous poster said, it's fun to spend them. Although, I've noticed as of late that most people don't look at the coins (or me) funny any more (even in places where I've never spent any before), they just take them with no questions asked. Could it be a sign that the program is starting to work, and clerks are seeing the coins more often now?
I hope shipping is still free. I can't bring myself to spend the extra money to help the Mint circulate these coins.
If they changed the free shipping, it could be a sign that they're about to give up on the program. Or, it could have simply been an error. I remember once before when some new designs were added to the program, that the coding was wrong and it was adding a shipping charge. If someone brings it to their attention, they should fix it and refund your $4.95.
How about those 5 ounce ATB coins, I wonder when Jack Hunt is going to sell any?
If you subsequently go back to your account order history you'll see the total is just $250. It's just a glitch in their checkout process programming. (nothing new!)
I think the previous poster is just trying to be funny. He probably read the rant comment on the previous post about the continual hijacking of posts to always take them back down the 5 Oz. ATB road in the comments section. :)
On the product page it states: "The United States Mint pays for standard shipping and handling of domestic orders. Any special handling will be paid by the customer."
As someone mentioned, the product could be coded incorrectly. See what you are actually charged and if the $4.95 is added, contact the Mint.
For all the complaining I do about the Mint, this is something they are doing right. I love this program.
When buying coffee, etc. I always use these coins. I think at my regular places, I'm known as "that golden dollar guy". Oh well.
Last week, it was so funny because I gave the new barista some of the coins, and she said "oh, someone else paid with some these a week ago - I saw them in the drawer". I didn't want to tell her that it was probably me. I guess she'll figure that out soon enough.
However, in general, I have noticed that people are indeed getting used to these coins. The surprised look is becoming more rare, even at new places I spend them at.
When I went to my bank yesterday to finally try to get some Johnson dollar coins, the teller said she didn't have any BUT some customer was bringing in large numbers of Native American dollars, and wanted me to take some. I told her the customer doing that is breaking the rules, if not the law, if he is getting them on his credit card, and turning them right in to the bank. The teller said that's exactly what he is doing.
I wish there were a way to report this sort of thing; people like that ruin this great program to make a measley $2.50.
Are they making those coin boards this year?
2011 Coin Boards are being produced and should be available in late March/early April. Continue to check this URL for availability:
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