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2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins

A recent article in Numismatic News put the total production for the first 2011 release featuring Gettysburg National Military Park at 125,000 units. This compares to production of 33,000 units for each of the 2010 designs.
By nearly quadrupling the number of coins available, the nature of the offering will certainly be very different this year. The coins are more likely to be priced and purchased as bullion, although there will of course be collectors who continue to pursue the series. The low mintage status of the 2010 issues will also be solidified.
James Buchanan's Liberty Gold Coins

Following the unexpected sell out of the proof version of the coin, the US Mint indicated that a total of 13,000 coins had been produced across both versions. This level, which is below the maximum stated mintage, had been established based on demand forecasts.
The last reported sales for the proof version of the coins was 7,304. For the uncirculated version, the US Mint just reported weekly sales of 493 coins, bringing the total to 5,579. Together, this comes to 12,883.
View the full US Mint sales report.
Andrew Johnson $1 Coin Cover
Full images of the first of the Presidential $1 Coin Covers with the US Mint's new branding were recently posted on the website. Whereas other products have been switched from the previous colorful packaging to the new black and/or white color scheme, the new packaging for this product is a mix of the old and new.

Labels: US Mint
What ever happened to the 5 oz ATB coins from the mint?
Sorry, still no updated information on those.
This time the US mint went above and beyond to insure collector disappointment with this "new and improved" presidential FDC. I am certainly not a fan of the "floating" Presidential-theme, well maybe my nephew would be a fan if the cover included "Casper the Ghost" floating aside of the image of President Johnson. Unfortunately, I am in for the entire series, as I have already purchased the first 16 covers...:(
I suppose I'm in the camp that refuses to continue buying despite constant price increases and ugly design changes and would rather sell what I've accumulated so far.
I think it's in the mint's best interests to find and keep collectors that continue buying no matter what.
Personally, I think the Johnson and Grant designs look great!
Just went to the Mint website to purchase Unc. Fillmore and Pierce first spouses before they went off sale. Too late. Both are on the sold out list.
I can't believe that the Buchanan's Liberty unc coin isn't on backorder status, this close to being sold out. It might already BE sold out, for all we know.
I can't believe what they did to the Presidential First Day covers. They still could have kept the same layout even with the stupid black bar on the bottom. There's no reason not to have the President so small. So far I have all 16 still unopened. Do I keep the collection going or cut and run??
I'm done with them. The Mint actually did me a favor by revealing the Andrew Johnson design early through the subscription link, since I had not yet bought the 2010 covers. I was holding off until Lincoln was released, so I could get them all for one s/h charge. Now, I don't have to buy the 2010's at all. It's a good thing too, since I would have had to sell them all for a loss like I'll have to do with the others.
I think Van Buren can get a premium, but not enough to absorb everyone else's losses. Especially since I bought George Washington late on eBay for $36, which he no longer commands! Stupid me all around. :(
I already have Lincoln's First Day Cover and ordered a set of $1 Lincoln rolls from the mint. I love Lincoln and he's the last issue before the increased prices and stupid re-designs starting in 2011. I've already started buying bu rolls of the $1 Johnson coins from a bank and will not order any more $1 mint rolls or first day covers. I'm sure if I want to complete it later, I can buy it on eBay cheaper than what the Mint charges now. It's really a shame....
To back up my point, in January 2011, I purchased the entire set of 50 State Quarters first day coin covers, each still in cellophane, on eBay for $225! That's $4.50 each, compared to the $12.95 mint issue price. That's quite a drop for what was a wildly popular series. Can you imagine what the Presidential series will sell for after it's done?? I'm dumping them soon.
The new cover design does not make sense at all.
It just plain old STINKS. The old design didn't even HAVE the Mint logo on it, so why did they feel the need to put the new logo on the covers now? They could have at least kept it small. A black box in the bottom right corner could have housed the new logo, allowing the portrait to remain the same size as the first 16.
Better yet, why didn't they just print the black bar and logo on the outer white envelope, leaving the cover inside looking identical to the old design?
Circulating $1 Coin Direct Ship Rolls – Franklin Pierce (Y14) And
Circulating $1 Coin Direct Ship Rolls – James Buchanan (Y15) SOLD OUT
Dumped all of my state quarters today. Just go out. F it. I'm done.
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