2011 ATB Silver Bullion Coin Sales

On April 25, 2011, the US Mint will begin sales of the first two designs for the 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins. The coins will feature Gettysburg National Military Park and Glacier National Park.
As previously indicated, the initial mintage level will be 126,500 units per design. With the greater number of coins available, the US Mint will not impose the same type of terms and conditions that applied to the distribution of the low mintage 2010-dated issues.
The terms and conditions which applied to the 2010 ATB Silver Bullion coins resulted in collectors having to deal directly with the authorized purchasers to acquire the coins. As covered in some previous posts (here and here), this was sometimes a relatively straightforward process, but other times more complicated or restricted.
Without terms imposed for the 2011-dated releases, generally, the coins should be easier to acquire. The typical pattern of distribution is for the US Mint to sell directly to their authorized purchasers based on the market price of the metals plus a mark up. The coins are then resold to other bullion dealers, coin dealers, and/or the public.
Following this chain of distribution, the 2011 ATB Silver bullion coins should be available from a variety of sources that typically sell US Mint bullion products. Although the authorized purchasers are no longer required to sell directly to the public, some have indicated that they will make the coins available for direct retail sales.
I have just posted an article on Coin Update that summarizes the information that authorized purchasers have provided regarding direct sales. At this time, Fidelitrade, MTB Inc., and APMEX have all confirmed that they will sell the coins retail.
Check out the full article for details:
2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins Distribution
Labels: America the Beautiful Quarters
I wonder what the mintage will be on the numismatic 5 ounce coins from the mint?
I've wondered that as well...probably a lot more than 27,000...maybe 100,000.
If any AP tries to sell ATB coins for more than they charge for 5 Silver Eagles, we can just have a repeat of December for all I care.
Even though it is not being 'required' this year for these specific coins, the Mint has outlined that over 10% premiums are not acceptable for these ATB coins - and that will stand from now on, so the APs better not forget it.
This is really going to drive up thr price of the 2010 ATB Bullion
5 oz coins
Is there such a thing as a unc proof coin
No. It's either proof or uncirculated. Proof coins are struck on specially polished blanks.
I have a "circulated" proof 1982-s Washington half-dollar that I carry around in my pocket. I also have some of these proofs that are also "uncirulated". So yes you can have an uncirculated proof coin.
I can't believe MTB is going to try to sell to public. They were so incredibly rude and disrespectful to those that tried to purchase 2010 ATB bullion coins. Who would even consider them in 2011?
"Even though it is not being 'required' this year for these specific coins, the Mint has outlined that over 10% premiums are not acceptable for these ATB coins - and that will stand from now on, so the APs better not forget it."
Not sure what your source is on this, but the Mint has placed no restrictions on 2011 ATB coins that I know of.
"Not sure what your source is on this, but the Mint has placed no restrictions on 2011 ATB coins that I know of"
... The Mint issued rules for the 2010 ATB coins because the premiums being charged were around 100% by the APs. The rules stated that a premium of 10% was fair, and that will always stand as what premium the Mint said was appropriate. Common sense.
I agree with the comment that the AP's don't have ANY restrictions for the 2011 bullion coins. They can sell them for whatever the market will pay. Realistically, the premiums will probably be 5 x that of the SAE's
About the comment on MTB earlier. They are rude and disprespectful to most of us. But, they are NYers and that is the way they tend to communicate. Not saying right or wrong, they just have an in your face style.
I ordered from MTB and they guy was normal on the phone; neither rude or accommodating. I spoke with a woman too and she was nice.
I could care less about their demeanor. All I cared about was landing a 2010 set from them.
If they're miserable, so be it.
MTB was not that hard to deal with for me either. They messed up my last name royally on the package but it reached me because the rest was correct and the UPS guy knows me from other packages. Also, I had theirs graded and got back 3 MS69 DMPL's, way better than any others. The set from them is worth approx. 4 times what I paid, so how can I complain? if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!!!!
Whose the fat guy on eBay in all those auctions holding the slabbed sets?! He has like 200 of them!
You think he'd change out of those hemmed jean shorts. Who would admit to wearing them let alone wearing them! I mean the whole world is looking!
where does a GEM BU fall in line with grading?
I grew up in the Midwest, but spent a great deal of time working in NYC, so I get the attitude thing, but if I'm a customer and I'm buying something, I don't care where your from, don't be a jerk and be rude. There are many other businesses I can buy from. Fidelitrade is great and were very courteous in my dealings with them. I know many here hate Apmex, but I've had a great deal of success with them and they treat me well. I'll do business with many of the APs, but never again with MTB.
where does a GEM BU fall in line with grading?
Generally ms65...-66 at most..MS67-68 is Superb Gem
The mint didn't place any restrictions in 2011 because they probably learned their lesson that price fixing and tampering with market forces never leads to good results.
I thought gem BU would be closer to MS 60 simply because the scale goes from AU, about uncirculated, in the 50s, to Mint Sate in the 60s.
Here is the grading scale:
The Sheldon grading scale
Perfect uncirculated MS70
Superb gem uncirculated MS69
Gem uncirculated MS65
Choice uncirculated MS63
Uncirculated MS61
Good info, thanks
What about Brilliant uncirculated?
What about Brilliant uncirculated?
That is just a fansy name for BU coins that are below Gem and Choice BU.
Sooo, brilliant uncirculated is MS60, MS61.
If you notice, when coins are Choice, they are said to be Choice BU, and then GEM BU, so BU is the lowest of the uncirculated grades.
What time of the day will the Hot Springs 5 ounce quarter go on sale at the US Mint?
Also, can you order online? Or do you have to call in by phone?
Michael or anyone --
I have to work during the day. I was curious if we could order one of the US Mint's 5 ounce Hot Springs Silver coins through the US Mint's website? Or do we have to call in our order?
I can imaging the phone lines being very busy when placing a call, so I would rather order online.
Michael, do you know?
I will have a separate post on the numismatic version of the Hot Springs ATB 5 oz.
It will go on sale April 28 at 12:00 Noon ET. Orders can be placed online or by phone at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).
Whose the fat guy on eBay in all those auctions holding the slabbed sets?! He has like 200 of them!
April 23, 2011 4:18 PM
You think he'd change out of those hemmed jean shorts. Who would admit to wearing them let alone wearing them! I mean the whole world is looking!
April 23, 2011 4:20 PM
I bet you posted both of these didn't you.
This is why the blog has to be shutdown from time to time. Such comments over Easter weekend? If you could, you would have 200 sets yourself. Check out the volume of what they sell. I would say he is a multi-millionaire. Am I him, no, but I bought a set from him. They are very nice people and work to help people get at least one of what you probably have 5 or more of yourself.
Well said. I agree with you.
yes, i wish that was me in the picture. But i am happy with my one set. it is pathetic all the haters on here, lets all help each other, we are a select few that even follow this stuff. happy easter and thanks again michael for sharing all of your knowledge
Jealousy and greed run rampant whenever personal $elf-interests possess us. Sometime the ugliness of our inner selves are not apparent until they are pointed out. Be happy with what you have. Happy Easter to all.
Whose the fat guy on eBay in all those auctions holding the slabbed sets?! He has like 200 of them!
April 23, 2011 4:18 PM
Happy collecting to everyone, and have a very great and safe easter
I hate Easter. I can never figure out which stores and restaurants will be open.
Anyone else think that with the price of silver continuing to rise, there's a chance the Mint will suspend the sale on Thursday? I'll bet if the Mint was pricing these today, they'd be setting a price of at least $299.95.
The "Fat" guy is not at all fat. He is just big. The question is, how the hell did he get so many sets.
Connection? Under the table? Corruption? Or may be he has a big family each ordering one for him?
Did any of you guys received a set from APMEX recently?
"Did any of you guys received a set from APMEX recently?"
Haven't received mine yet but account status shows, "Waiting to be shipped." If you are worrying about where your order is, you can check the status by logging into your account and looking up your order status. Mine indicates shipping by May 13, 2011, although, I think it will probably be before then.
I placed my order on 04/17, they received my check on 04/21.
My APMEX order status said "Printed ready to ship". Shipping date is 04/28/2011.
They just emailed me today that they were willing to pay $1250 for the set.
When considering ebay commission, it is probably equivalent to selling it around $1450. Is it time to sell?
This may be last time to make any profit on them. If you do not take delivery, they may waive shipping fee as well. Silver is dropping...time to sell.
Will the mint release a numismatic 2011 for collectors or will it be bullion issue only anybody know????
I was also fortunate enough to get one of the apmex sets. I ordered on 4-16, label printed and waiting to ship, with a shipping date of 4-21 and it still has not shipped.
I received my ATB set from Jack Hunt today....they are in NGC holders...Gem Uncirculated, Early Releases.
Not bad for $949
Not bad at all, but what if silver drops to $30/ounce?
Sour Grapes ?
I was seeing "Pop...Pop..Pop..." and I sold all my gold at $850. I am still crying until now.
I am going to wait until gold is down to $850 again to buy it back.
what is the silver content / coin value of 83 and newer commemorative silver dollars? is it the same as peace silver dollars?
Yes, modern commemoratives have the same silver content of silver dollars from 1840-1935, 90% silver & .77344 oz. pure silver. Trade dollars (1873-1885) were slightly higher at .7874 oz.
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