2010-P Grand Canyon Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coin

It's time for another America the Beautiful 5 oz. silver numismatic release. Today, June 29, 2011 at 12:00 Noon ET, the US Mint will begin accepting orders for the Grand Canyon National Park Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coins.
The reverse of the coin, designed and sculpted by Phebe Hemphill, features a view of the granaries above the Nankoweap Delta in Marble Canyon near the Colorado River. The obverse features the 1932 portrait of George Washington by John Flanagan.
Following the format of previous numismatic releases, the coins will include the "P" mint mark and carry a finish created through a vapor blasting technique.
The Grand Canyon Five Ounce Silver Uncirculated Coins are priced at $279.95 each and have a maximum mintage of 27,000. An ordering limit of one coin per household has been established and will remain in place for at least the first week of sales.
This will represent the fourth numismatic release in the program. The first release featuring Hot Springs saw a flood of orders during the opening hour of sales that took down the US Mint's website. Orders were received to meet the 27,000 mintage following 15 days of availability, after which a waiting list was imposed.
The next release featuring Yellowstone National Park experienced a less turbulent opening, and the US Mint's website remained operational. The pace of sales was around the same level as the prior release, with a sell out achieved after 15 days. This time, there was no waiting list.
The most recent release featuring Yosemite National Park saw opening sales that were somewhat slower than the prior two releases. However, after 14 days of availability, orders had been received to meet the 27,000 maximum and a waiting list was imposed. The coins still remain available for ordering on the US Mint's website on a waiting list basis.
Once again, it's likely that the Grand Canyon design will achieve a sell out of the maximum mintage. If the pattern of the last two releases holds, the coins might be available for about two weeks.
The big question is how will the US Mint handle the future numismatic releases of the series after the last of the 2010-dated coins? Presumably, the low mintage of 27,000 was the result of the limited time frame and/or precious metals blanks available before the close of last year. Given the opportunity, will the US Mint increase the mintage levels, as they did for the bullion versions of the coin? The 2010-dated bullion coins had 33,000 per design, while the 2011-dated versions have had 126,700 per design.
In terms of collector products, the US Mint has a tendency to increase mintage levels for products that quickly sell out. At some point, the increased mintages start to have the opposite effect and actually serve as a detriment to sales. A recent example is the one ounce Proof Platinum Eagle, which had a maximum mintage of 8,000 coins in 2009. This was increased to 10,000 for 2010, and finally 15,000 for the current year. The 2009 and 2010 issues sold out in about a week, while this year's coin has been lingering and selling slowly. Nearly doubling the maximum mintage may be a significant factor in the slower sales.
Personally, I would prefer if the US Mint keeps the same 27,000 maximum mintage for the 2011-dated numismatic ATB 5 oz. Silver Coins. This would maintain a level of enthusiasm and collectibility based to the limited nature, which would help to preserve the collector base for the ongoing series.
Labels: America the Beautiful Quarters
I can't see the Mint leaving the maximum mintage at only 27,000 coins for 2011. In their minds, they probably figure why limit themselves to such a small number on such a fast-selling product? There will probably be up to 50,000 offered for the 2011's. They won't all sell, though.
I think this product's fuel was the speculation of quick, easy money. Since that never transpired, the series will not have enough steam to keep the sellouts going. The 2010's will have the highest mintage of the series, not the lowest.
I do hope the numismatic option is not abandoned after 2011. Some of these "big boys" could end up with some attractively low mintages starting in 2012 and beyond. It's possible that some could even come in under 10,000 coins, especially if the price of silver rebounds and sets new record highs. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on them.
in and out in 4 minutes! wow!
Order # 377953xx
Order # 377949xx
11:07 377963XX
Site is a little sluggish
Ordered four from four different accounts in first ten minutes!! Easiest one to order so far....
Can't the billing address be different from the shipping address?
Amen to the last paragraph of this article. Keep the 2011 at 27000 also.
No quick sellout on THIS one! WAY too easy to order. The masses have abandoned the series in droves!
Sure.... am not buying these ATBs anymore I'll say.
Am placing order for Yosemite and GC today.... cool; saved on shipping.
Maybe you should wait for Mt Hood to place orders for all three of them at once?
Hey, that would be a real kick in the head. They up the max mintage of the 2011's to 50 thou but end up only selling 20 thou. I think the first commenter, much to my dismay, may have a point. These chunks are expensive now and for silver to go up and have more mint increases could cause additional sales problems down the road. I see a possible similarity to the FS's. Start strong and then peter out even more as prices increase.
Very quick order
shipping said it was going out on 6-30-2011
hard to believe that quick. I bet that date will change
some will be sorry they did not get the entire 5 coins
Anyone who wanted one WILL get one... 27K is a wide enough base for everyone.
Scratch my comment above about the masses abandoning the series in droves. I forgot that the proof silver eagle goes on sale tomorrow. Probably a lot of folks are simply waiting until tomorrow so they can order the coins together and save a shipping charge.
Maybe the opening sales figures for the Grand Canyon P coin will be similar to the others, say in the 18,000-19,000 range. I still need to allow for a small pullback in holding with the established pattern.
I live pretty close to the Philly Mint and a friend who works there said there is a 50% chance of no P 5 oz after the last 2010 P and like 90% there will be no 2012 P 5 oz
I find that hard to believe, so soon in the game. The Mint wouldn't turn away the opportunity to make that easy money so quickly, since the 2010's are selling well.
Nice try....POP POP.
Dun believe everything you tell yourself!!
Don't keep saying "dun" when you mean "don't". It makes you sound like a hick.
POP POP, DUN sound like a HICK!!
why do you want to have 4 coins from different accounts. 27,000 mintage is not rare, and considering there will be 56 different coins altogether. Save some of your money or flip them asap. I am buying the bullions for the melt price. With all the international and US coins flooding the market, i don't think the numismatic coins will bring any premium in the future.
378002xx at 12:43 ET
You do not have to believe it but the mint is over burden and somethings have to go
so say goodbye to the P 5 oz after this year
You was warned
I just finished placing my order. I waited a half hour this time and it was smooth sailing compared to the first three times ordering right at 12p. Also, I normally place two separate orders but because the Proof ASE will be release tomorrow I will wait to order everything at once. I haven't decided if I want to include the Sept 11 medal in that order too.
yesterday I purchased Vicksburg at low spot price. today I am paying 80% premium for a P-unc with fake surface. the Mint must be the most profitable business, unlike the USPS, Amtrak, and etc.
Actually, if 2010 turns out to be the only year the "P" versions are minted, then they might command some nice premiums in the future. Chances would be good that they would have a lower mintage than ALL of the bullion versions for the entire series. And, since there would only be 5 of them with the P Mint Mark, most who try to collect the entire series of bullion coins would want the 2010-P versions as well, to have a truly complete set.
I don't think that there will only be "P" versions in 2010, though.
'I live pretty close to the Philly Mint and a friend who works there said there is a 50% chance of no P 5 oz after the last 2010 P and like 90% there will be no 2012 P 5 oz'
Are you saying there's a 50% chance they will cancel the 2011 P ATB's and probably cancel the whole series then? I don't believe this.
"Am placing order for Yosemite and GC today.... cool; saved on shipping"
Duh, you will not be getting the Yosemite.
To " I am buying the bullions for the melt price."
Not on the 2010's
The Mint charge $2 over spot for the bullions and $24 over spot for the P-UNC. There are still plenty of bullions around while al P-UNC sold out in two weeks. I believe your friend that the Mint is going to pull all P after 2010. Yes, that makes sense.
"Am placing order for Yosemite and GC today.... cool; saved on shipping"
Seriously, this guy is thinking of getting Yosemite this late since release.... I don't get it.
They won't abandon the 5oz ATB series. They're releasing the last 2010 P in July to give time for the 2011 P's for the rest of the year. Make sense?
To: June 29 10.00
I already got multiple sets of 2010 bullions at below spot price like all other guys.
These are for long-term, not for a quick $300 flipping.
Just because the mint might not make P mark coins in the future does not mean that they will stop making the numismatic versions. They can have a W or now even an S mint mark available for the numismatic series. The mint mark (whatever it is) and the surface treatment are what distinguish the coins from bullion. The only mark I would rule out is the D since Denver rarely produces anything but classic uncirculated finishes on numismatic coins.
I was so disappointed in the quality of the Yellowstone I received that I will not collect these. Cost me twenty bucks to send back a coin that would have graded no better than MS-68. I don't expect perfection but for 279.95 I expect a nice looking product. I am buying Eagle rolls instead.
I am buying toilet paper instead!
I got my order in at 12:05 and my order number is 377959XX. Website was slow, but no crashing this time like there was for Hot Springs and Yellowstone. I am really excited about this release, the Grand Canyon design is my favorite of the 2010s and I have been eagerly anticipating it since I was unable to get my hands on a bullion version.
I think the poster talking about cancellation just means they will cancel the numismatic versions. And cancellation depends on how these things sell. If the 2011s fall off a cliff once the 2010 set is done, yeah, I could see a cancellation happening. I find cancellation unlikely, though, if quick sellouts continue, simply because it's making a ton of money for the Mint.
Hopefully they'll still continue to at least produce the bullion versions, those seem like nice alternate investments to the silver eagle.
As for the person complaining about "fake" surfaces, I don't understand what you mean. I've stated this several times before in these comment threads, but the water-vapor blasting is a "successor" technique to sandblasting, a tried and true proofing technique that was used in US coins in the early 20th century (such as in the ultra-rare peace dollar proofs). A bit more here in this discussion: http://forums.collectors.com/messageview.cfm?catid=6&threadid=815380
Water vapor blasting does not mean the coin is somehow "fake" or "inauthentic" and it frustrates me to keep hearing this myth repeated.
To: Water vapor blasting does not mean the coin is somehow "fake" or "inauthentic" and it frustrates me to keep hearing this myth repeated.
While I have not commented on this subject before...I will say that I don't like it. It is a process that takes place AFTER the coin has been struck.
got mine order with 37801xxx
What's not to like?
Even after sand blasting, there's still imperfections on the P coins; that what we pay $280 for these days
I much prefer the vapor blasting to the laser technique currently being used on proof coins. Hopefully the vapor method can be used on die as well as finished coins and we can put the laser and its pseudo-random pattern behind us. The vapor blasted finish is a truly random pattern at least as much as quantum physics allows it to be. The fact that the finish is applied to the coin after striking as opposed to the die prior to striking does not make it a fake finish.
This time I waited until 1:30 and zipped in and zipped out. In fact I totally forgot until I checked this blog!
I still think that long term interest in the ATB 5 oz's will continue to diminish; Similar to the FS program, the 27k mintage for the first 5 ATB's will surely be the series highest. As the series moves forward, sales of future ATB’s 5 oz’s will lag, and the mintage numbers will reflect a decreased numismatic interest from collectors. As an FYI, while I understand that the FS and the ATB’s may not share the same collector base, the two series do share a similar conceptual marketing strategy, and for this reason the ATB series will go the way of the FS series, as the collector base slowly but surely dissolves. Simply put, the mint will offer more higher mintages, but sales of the 2011 ATB 5 oz coins will not come close to 27,000.
I'd like to see what these coins look like before the vapor blasting...I might like that better.
I think the bullion version (most of them) look sooo much better. I bet that if they had a Mint mark and came in a box with a COA, people would love them.
"I think the poster talking about cancellation just means they will cancel the numismatic versions."
I believe they cannot cancel the bullion versions without an act of Congress. The mint is mandated to strike those unless the law is changed. As for the numismatic versions, anything could happen.
"why do you want to have 4 coins from different accounts. 27,000 mintage is not rare, and considering there will be 56 different coins altogether. Save some of your money or flip them asap. I am buying the bullions for the melt price."
Why do you presume that I'm not able to do both? I have several unopened sets of bullion 2010 ATB 5 oz. coins as well as several graded sets. I plan on having all the 2010 P issues graded by PCGS and after that probably will drop out of the 2011 P issues and beyond. Silver will go up again. This is about LONG term strategy.
Anon from 10:12 am here.
I can definitely understand not liking the look of the coins. I've definitely heard good arguments for and against sandblast or matte proofs as opposed to the more modern ones like you see on silver eagles.
I just don't want people to think that water vapor blasting is some new evil thing the Mint has come up with to deceive collectors. Because I like to collect older proofs (stuff from the first half of the 20th century and the late 1800s), I have come to appreciate sandblast and matte finishes as well as the more traditional "brilliant" finish.
I will order one tomorrow, with the proof ASE. With both items costing so much, it feels good to save a little money from time to time. Even if it is only 5 bucks.
Someone forgot to mention that these coins will be on sell for a year.First three coins only lasted three weeks to sell out.
I got an e-mail from PCGS with a special that they will grade a set of 2010 ATB bullion for the cost of 4. Of course if you want to want "First Strike" you need to pay the additional fee for the one graded for free.
What is the cost to have a 5 oz ATB graded by PCGS?
$55-60 per coin when you include shipping/ins. cost. ($20 large holder, $14 Modern tier, $18 for First Strike, plus $8 fee per submission...)
I won't waste my time and money on grading my Mint purchases.
What does the grading Co do? Other than slab an ugly looking tomb to a nice looking coin in the original capsule.
With so many quality issues with these hockey pucks, why even have them graded? Just a waste of time and money.
i called at 1 pm and got through on the first try. four down and one to go.
Does NGC charge the same as PCGS to grade the 5 oz ATB's?
With moderns there is absolutely no need to slab unless you are 200% sure that the coin will achieve a perfect 70. Even then do so if you do not plan to keep the coin in your collection since slabs will alter the coin in the long term. I have held all my USMint purchases in OGP where they belong and will keep well for years and years on end.
Aren't the 2011 ATB pucks already made and sitting in a warehouse? Wouldn't the inspector general have a heart attack if they scrapped a program where the expenses of production had already been incurred?
In a related question, what happens when a series is discontinued and there are coins left at the mint website that went unsold, such as rolls of presidential dollars or statehood quarters? Are they melted down, combined with general business bank circulation, or sold under the table to dealers?
I believe the most profitable federal agency is not the mint. It has to be the BEP factory in Texas. Paper and ink goes into the product, not gold or silver or even clad alloys.
My opinion, for what it is worth, the FS buyers will have the last laugh, if they hold on long enough. Imagine what it would be like today to have had your grampa put back gold coins 75 years ago, secret it away from the gold-confiscating FDR regime (yes, it will happen again, gold will be illegal to own after 2015 under the Bachmann administration.
As for the American Eagle Proofs, yes they are getting kinda pricy for the average dude. That's the same thing that happened with FS. When the average dude gets out, that's when the savvy professionals make their killing.
"$55-60 per coin when you include shipping/ins. cost. ($20 large holder, $14 Modern tier, $18 for First Strike, plus $8 fee per submission..."
The cost is actually: $20 large holder + $14 Modern tier = $34 per coin + $8 submission fee. Because of the various release dates, ALL the 2010 bullion ATB's are classified as First Strike and there is no $18 per coin fee.
There is an $18 First Strike fee if you send in a raw coin. The ONLY time you don't have to pay the $18 fee is...say you bought a bullion set from A-Mark that was already slabbed as "Choice BU" with the First Strike label. If you send them in to have them re-garded, THEN and ONLY THEN do you not have to pay the $18.
All 2010 bullion ATB's are "eligible" for First Strike, but, you have to pay $18.
The 2010-P ATB's must be sent in the first 30 days OR in the unopened Mint shipping box if later than 30 days. You can go to PCGS's website and see the cut-off dates for the 2010-P coins
I won't bother with FS nonsense.
What a racket. $18 for a meaningless designation. There are coins out there right now in PCGS "First Strike" slabs that could very well be the LAST coins struck from particular dies before they were changed. And people pay through the nose for that. I just don't get it.
No question raw 2010 bullions will not get first strike without the $18 per coin fee, and I believe that even if they were already graded by PCGS but without the FS designation, you still need to pay the fee.
i had some 2010 sets graded before they changed fee structure and got back lots of 69's and 69 PL/DMPL, so i did well, but I would be careful about having bullion or numismatic ATB's graded. You will lose money in most cases.
In a related question, what happens when a series is discontinued and there are coins left at the mint website that went unsold, such as rolls of presidential dollars or statehood quarters? Are they melted down, combined with general business bank circulation, or sold under the table to dealers?
I think in the case of PM coins they melt them down, and I think the rest just goes into circulation.
It's not worth it to get your ATB P's slabbed, unless you like the protective slab.
Your odds of getting a 70 for the Hot Springs P coin is not even 1% with a current pop. of 167 at PCGS.
1 $279.95 1 unit backordered. Expected to ship on 06/30/2011.
wow thats tomorrow
Mike...you have to compare the 70's to the total graded. The current chance of getting a Hot Springs SP70 is 22.6% (202 70's out of 894 graded)
Mine also says shipping 6/30. I wonder if this is some error, if it arrives in one day I will be extremely surprised. Maybe there is a push to get them out before July 4th?
Ahh. Good Point. My error.
"(yes, it will happen again, gold will be illegal to own after 2015 under the Bachmann administration"
You mean Michelle Bachmann? Where do people come up with this garbage!
Firstly, she will NOT be leading the next administration. Secondly, good luck finding and prying away everybody's gold from their hands.
ALSO, I buy silver only, so who cares, LOL!
"and a friend who works there said there is a 50% chance of no P 5 oz after the last 2010 P"
The 2011 P issues are already on the schedule, though with TBD dates, I doubt there is a 50% chance they would cancel something already announced. They are probably already made and ready to ship.
Unanswered question from previous subject; can anyone help to answer this:
Does anyone know the amount and fineness of the silver in the National Wildlife Refuge medals? What would be the silver/melt value for one of those? I'd rather have one of those National Wildlife Refuge Medals than the September 11 medals and they probably cost less.
Thanks for any information you can provide.
atbs will still be gone in 2 weeks time,everyone knows now,you dont have to rush on 1st day to get it.
"...Does anyone know the amount and fineness of the silver in the National Wildlife Refuge medals?..."
90% silver
10% alloy
26.73 grams
38.10mm wide
$29.50 issue price in 2003
There were four different medals; all with the same obverse and different reverses pictured with various wildlife.
Hope this helps.
Order Number: 378075xx 8:50pm
For those of us who like to collect coins AND flip to buy more coins, grading is a gamble you sometimes take. So far I've sent 4 2010 P Hot Springs and 4 Yellowstones to PCGS. I've gotten one SP70 from each and the rest SP69's. I just sent in three beautiful Yosemite's in hopes of getting another SP70. At this point I want to build an entire set of SP70's for the first five coins. I'm already ahead of the game as far as grading costs and I find it kind of exciting waiting for an e-mail from PCGS showing the grades. I'm fortunate enough to have some graded and able to keep one of each release in it's original Mint packaging. I don't have a preference for either, as they are still cumbersome to show to people. Can you imagine if Dansco came out with an album for them?? Anyway, despite what some profess, PCGS First Stike coins (mainly PF70,SP70 and MS70) sell for a higher premium on eBay and you have to follow the market to maximise your investment. Will only be doing this for the 2010's. I'll probably just buy one of each future release and tuck them away in their OGP's. Just my two cents.
I hope the mint releases information about the 2011 ATB P coins and possibly 25th ann. age's and ase's soon.
I also wish gold would go below $1500 long enough for the mint to adjust prices down a little.
As a collector I am primarily interested in the coin. The OGP is my personal preference because in the long run I see OGP as state-of-the-art as far as US coinage. For example, I would love to have some of the 19th century proofs in their original mint packaging. Most of them have been graded and packaged in uninteresting plastic with a label and a number. This is a bit too detached for my tastes. I tend to ignore the few slabbed coins I have but pay a great deal of attention to my OGP coins which are a pleasure to handle as mint originals. There are also way too many concerns about the grading process and the veracity of first strike to warrant my interest or investment.
Order# 378082xx
Regarding OGP I know an owner of a complete set of PanPac comemoratives in some of the finest grades. He spent $4000 for the OGP!! He now has the full package and it is awesome.
To: Sun Tzu at 5:06 p.m.
Thanks for the information. Based on what you wrote and the current price of silver, the melt value for the National Wildlife Refuge medal would be roughly $30.00. Of course, for such a nice looking and low mintage medal, one wouldn't want to melt it but that helps to determine what might be a good price to pay for one. Personally, I like them better than the September 11 medals that are being sold now for significantly more than that.
Thanks again, I appreciate your helping out with the information.
I ordered the Grand Canyon coin within the first hour that it was offered. I got an order number 37799XXX and it showed up in My Account as being ordered. However, the ordering process just didn't seem right to me. So I logged back into my account (16 hours later) to check it. The order had been removed. I reordered: order number 37811XXX. This time the ordering process went smoothly and I got my e-mail confirmation very quickly (I guess not many people order at 4:00 AM).
I have heard of this happening to others. That is why I checked back. I am glad I did. I would have been disappointed not to get a coin. The Mint still has a way to go to improve their web site and ordering process. This kind of thing should not happen.
Maybe someone cancelled ur order
Do not post ur order on blogs.
Lucky 88
you can't cancel order by order number anymore. They change that last on 2009 when UHR having problem
I can understand the comparison between this series and the FS series but it misses two important points. The first is that these coins are attractive and interesting. Parks also have far more popular appeal than spouses. People are much more likely to collect these for those reasons.
The other is price. Even $279 is far less than the $700 or so and now close to $1000 prices of the spouses. This puts a much larger demographic into the collector pool.
I haven't shown these coins to anyone, even non-collectors who didn't react with some delight at seeing them. The spouses don't typically get much if any reaction other than "is that gold?".
This series has potential staying power.
What time does the ASE go on sale? Is it noon or the start of the business day? As of 8am the web page has not been updated to let you purchase but there is also no time listed.
I agree with people liking the series, everyone I've shown these coins to has been very impressed. My grandfather loves them because his eyesight is bad, and these coins are big enough for him to be able to read unaided.
I also just think, given how hot a topic these remain despite the ease-up in supply (have you noticed how nearly every comment thread on this board usually has at least some mention of AtBs?) that these coins may hold long term value better than a lot of the skeptics think.
I'm thinking more along the lines that the value of these coins will be tied mostly to the value of the silver they contain. That will likely be the case with the 2010's anyway.
If the "P" versions continue past this year and post some lower mintages, then some will probably have nice premiums attached.
Time will tell.
My ATB order has changed from suspended to on hold and the expected ship date has changed from 6/30 to 7/1 and I would expect it to change to 7/2 tomorrow and increment one day every day until the coin ships. PBGS is playing games with in stock information to make it look like they do a better job with shipping than they really do. My ASEs (already ordered via subscription) show an expected ship date of 7/15 but i expect that date to start slipping once the coins go on sale. The thing that really bugs me is that with the ATBs, the coins were in stock long before going on sale and there is no reason that they could not ship the day of ordering on one day after. Why it takes PBGS many days to ship coins from stock is a mystery and the fact that they lie about their stock doesn't help at all.
Actually, the old "fulfillment center" in Memphis used to do the exact same thing. Nothing about that part of the process has changed since the Mint switched to PBGS.
I wonder how many people will be ordering the Grand Canyon coin today along with their proof silver eagle? I'm curious to see if the 15 day sellout pattern will hold. It seems less likely due to the ease of ordering yesterday, but since their is a comfort zone in ordering time it would make sense anyone who wanted both the Grand Canyon coin and the proof silver eagle would hold off ordering an extra day to save the extra $4.95 shipping charge. I would have done it if I had planned to buy a proof silver eagle, but since I don't collect those I just ordered my Grand Canyon coin yesterday.
I am one of those people who ordered my GC and Proof ASE today, to save the 5 bucks, common sense told me to do so......
Yeah, with no danger of a 1-day sellout on the Grand Canyon coin it made perfect sense to wait.
I am waiting for gold price to drop to buy FS and GC next week.
I would love to see a price break on the FS, but I don't think it will be next week, if at all.
i did not order ASE or GC yet, but i got results from NGC for 3 Yellowstone pucks i send then, got 2 SP70 and 1 SP69, i also got 2 hot springs SP70 too, the question is should i send Yosemtie, i dout it will get 70 for the coins i have, help please
It's too early to tell yet, but forces are working against a price drop on gold coins next week. Today's fixes were both above $1,500, but low enough that a couple of fixes around $1,490 would pull the average down enough to make a decrease feasible. The big disadvantage working against us this period is the fact that the average could fall below $1,500, but all it takes to prevent a price drop is the Wednesday PM fix to rebound enough to be at $1,500 or more. That would be a kick in the head if that happened.
If we miss a price drop next week, I'll probably just have to fork over the extra $75 for my three coins and be done with it. I don't want to receive someone else's reject coins. Waiting any longer could result in that.
I just checked and gold is back just below $1500. I hope is stays below $1500 so the mint lowers prices soon - I'd like to get a AGE W unc if I can get the money together.
Will Vicksburg be released this year?
I just LOVE that gunboat!
The Bullion versions of all these coins are SO much more appealing to the eye and REASONABLY priced to boot....
Don't waste your funds on these sandblasted soup can tops!
I'm finishing out ordering these last two pucks so that I will have two complete sets of P mintmark 2010 five ouncers--- but that's the end of the road for me on this series with the exception of I'll pick up a 2011 Gettysburg (my home state) if offered with the P mintmark.
I'm sure I've lost my backside on the three sets of graded bullion versions of the 2010's. But I'll hold and hope that time heals the losses--- I'm expecting a three year hold or so to come back to a break even point. Hopefully.
I've been switching to purchasing pure bullion--- old poured 10 ounce and 100 ounce JM and Engelhard's.
@9:34 If they're smart they'll offer the Gettysburg with a P. They have to, right?
does anyone know for sure if the 2011s atbs are goin to be p
There appear to be experts on sending a coin in for grading. I am new at this. Could someone give a listing of how to do it for a first timer?
Silver Sam
It appears that there are experts that can give me a listing on how to send a coin in for grading. I would like to try it. Any details are appreciated!!!
If you are planning on keeping the coin I would retain the coin in OGP.
Anyone buying these ATBs for any other reason then a long term investment is kidding themselves. Yes you might get lucky and hit a ms70 and make a good profit off of someone that believes in the grading slabs adding value. But the only way you will really be able to capitalize on these 5 oz coins is long term when silver hits $70.00+. The grading companies have been pushing plastic slabs since 1980s and more so when PCGS falsely claimed that they were the first grading company in the 90s. Some how some way and mostly through authorized dealer cooperation have these high grade slabs taken so much money out of the pockets of unknowing coin collectors that it has all but ruined the hobby IMHO. Coin collecting used to be all about history and beauty and the actual coin. Now it has fallen victim to the greed of the grading companies with their false claimed price guides and Authorized dealers who peddle this garbage that ultimately ruins a coin long term. Go with OGP and look long term and enjoy your coins and the history they provide to the up coming generations. Just my 2 cents worth. I prefer to spend my money were it is best appreciated. OGPs.
Buyers must have enough experiences buying so-called uncirculated or "in mint's capsule since day one" that only turned out to be bull**** at closer inspection upon receipt of items in the mail to agree with me that between the two here: they'd rather take an independent grader's word than sellers' sensational descriptions of their items online many times over.
In long term, yes in the long terms, this works out cheaper and less disappointing.
There actually exists a market and buyers who purchase only OGP. Every coin is a work of art and represents something well beyond ****-****. The grade in reality is frankly only an artifact! Even a perfect 70 grade can be neither subjective nor objective, with concomitant value referenced to a hypothetical set of data at best. And frankly, there is more ****-**** in hyped up TPG coin values than in original USMint pricing for their esteemed products.
"can be neither subjective nor objective, with concomitant value referenced to a hypothetical set of data at best"
You sir are a mental giant, LOL!
I DO think buying 1oz coins makes more sense.
Could you imagine cutting an ATB into five slices after paper is no longer accepted as payment for things?
Yes, the ancient Chinese had been cutting silver into tiny bits for daily usage for hundreds of years when silver was still money.
No, I was just joking. When that day comes, we need the entire series of 56 ATBs to buy a slice of bread (because it will be so un-popular that no one would want it).
Yes, of course, one ounce silver will be better for daily trades when paper money is worthless. But 5 ouncers (and 100 ounce bars) are better for bigger trades, like buying a vehicle, or paying off your mortgage.
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