US Mint Direct Ship $1 Coin Roll Selection

In recent months, the selection of dollar coins available through the United States Mint's Direct Ship Program had been dwindling. As recently as this morning, there had only been two options available for ordering. Just now, the US Mint has resumed offering four designs that had been previously available.
The Circulating $1 Coin Direct Ship Program was created by the US Mint as a means to comply with the legislative requirement to remove barriers and improve circulation of the $1 coin. Under the program, individuals and small businesses could order $250 quantities of dollar coins directly from the US Mint at face value with no charge for shipping. Typically, the dollar coins are distributed to banks and financial institutions through the Federal Reserve Banks in $1,000 quantities.
The program has been a substantial distribution outlet for dollar coins. In the last fiscal year, the US Mint distributed $90.7 million worth of coins, accounting for 21.9% of all $1 coin shipments.
The program also seems to be the primary distribution method for the Native American Dollars. By law, the number of Native American Dollars produced each year must account for at least 20% of all dollar coin production. However, unlike with Presidential Dollars, the Federal Reserve Banks are not required to order the coins.
This morning the two designs that had been available were 2007 James Madison Presidential Dollars and 2011 Native American Dollars.
The designs added to the Direct Ship Product Page this afternoon are the 2001 Sacagawea Dollars, 2007 George Washington Presidential Dollars, 2007 John Adams Presidential Dollars, and 2010 Franklin Pierce Presidential Dollars.
Labels: US Mint
Hi - I noticed this change too! but I believe there is one slight inaccuracy - the Jefferson dollar was available for sale previously, and a few days ago was marked as SOLD OUT. It is actually still marked that way, as far as I can tell. You can double check though.
Interesting blog you have here!
Thanks. I will fix that.
Picking up some 2001 dollars.
No one is going to use these dollars until they get rid of the paper dollar.
In other countries the smallest paper money is 5, 5 euros, 5 pounds. What's taking us so long?
u.s. mint sales report please.
Don't sound so impatient, guy. Yesterday was a holiday, and the Mint has not provided the numbers yet.
At least Michael gets us the numbers as soon as he gets them. Numismatic News makes you wait until Thursday! Thank you very much for that, Michael!
If you stacked up all of the Washington Presidential dollars guess how high the stack would be?
422 miles high.
New US Mint sales report:
I will also have something on Mint News Blog shortly.
The 2001 Sacagawea Dollars are sold out again. That was fast or a mistake.
Wow. The 2011 American gold eagle uncirculated sold 106 pieces..
They might have to wait a year or two to sell through the other 10 to 15K they minted. They'll get smart and skip the 2012 so they can sell these out.
cant wait to get my hands on some Washington dollars.
Are these coins factory fresh and uncirculated? Or are they the hideous "used" brown ones I get from the ticket machine at the train station??
Brand new. They look great.
Almost all sold out! How many readers does this blog have? :D
Wow, surprised to see that all but the James Madison and 2011 Native American are now sold out, and those two won't ship until 7/21. I guess I have to wait a while for my next batch.
Why is the mint so concerned about people buying these and then depositing them in the bank?
My guess is to get rewards points for "free" on a credit card?
Exactly. The percentage-back cards, or even mileage cards are the reason.
More than a few people got some free round-trip airfares before they cracked down.
It doesn't say it's "illegal" to do it, it's more like an honor system. I think they limit you to $1k per month. I'm sure if every month you did buy the 1k they may take an interest inj your affairs..
I started using the direct ship program about 4 months ago for the actual intended purpose, commerce! It was hard to go from making 90% credit card transactions to using cash but I’m able to spend about $250 worth in a few weeks of day to day purchases. Yes, I get cash back when buying them but I lose out by making more cash purchases while trying to spend them.
Last week several news agencies reported that there are billions of these coins locked away and that nobody wanted to use them. We all know the easy solution, stop using & get rid of the paper dollar but here’s a different idea. .. send them to countries that want a form of payment that is not devaluating as fast as the local currency, example Zimbabwe. I saw an article that Zimbabwe has “professionals” who wash U.S. bills to make them last longer in circulation. Apparently they like to hide money in their sweaty underwear. I’ve also heard that Sacagawea Dollars are popular in Ecuador for a similar reason the paper bills wear out to fast there and that they prefer U.S. dollars over the local currency.
If we don’t start using them in 40 years the GSA will have another sale of dollars coins and people will reminisce about the Direct Ship program… well maybe not.
outta Pierce? 'long with Buchanan. I'm devastated. poa' fools. Dough boy sympathizers of the slave owner South. wouldn't want 'em in ma' pocket 'nless 'm outta cash drivin ma' 'ol rusty car. 'dey dubbed as da the "worst presidents" besides 'dubya.
'd rather have the old Washington dollar anyday. It's cool.
@July 6, 2011 7:12 PM
We think alike.
I made this very same observations weeks ago when I saw that report.
Has anyone gotten a negative response or even a refusal to accept these as payment while making a purchase?
I'd like to pick some up to spend but don't want the 7-11 guy dreading my getting on line knowing he'll be getting those awkward, gold cions...
These gold dollars look GREAT when they first come out of the roll...
My order was rejected. I was called by some one at the mint who asked what I intended to use them for. I said to spend. She asked me if I had my own business, when I told her no she rejected my order. This was shortly after they started cracking down. I really was going to spend them and it was my first and last order from the mint.
Pure rubbish. How many did you order? Have you ordered those before.
I think you're being misleading and doubt this tale is true. The mint5 CALLED you? Do you get calls from Santa too?
The mint contacts customers with Emails.
They are'nt properly staffed to call you to ask you if you own a 99 cents store....
Where's my troll spray.....
Okay fact checkers it was a a few years ago. They probably did email me to call them. I already mentioned it was my first and only order and it was for one order of 250.00
Yeah, they aren't doing that anymore.
No chance you will get rejected if you follow being below the stated limit.
Hi - I notice I can still leave a comment here. I noticed your most recent posting about the two bills going into congress. I think the timing is interesting, given that NPR has been publishing a series of clearly biased, negative articles on the dollar coins. I wrote up a little on my blog here:
I didn't see this mentioned in your blog so I thought you might like to know about it.
BTW, my blog may interest you - it's about spending dollar coins (from the direct ship program) in New York City..
Good luck getting the comments sorted out.
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