2010 Boy Scout Silver Dollars Finally Officially Sold Out

It appears that the proof version of the 2010 Boy Scouts of American Centennial Silver Dollar has finally sold out at the United States Mint. The coin had been lingering on "waiting list status" for an unusually long time.
The United States Mint began sales of the Boy Scouts Silver Dollars on March 23, 2010. Because of the large number of current and former Boy Scouts and the relatively low authorized mintage of 350,000 coins, a sell out was widely expected.
On April 23, 2010, the US Mint indicated that they had received orders sufficient to meet the "maximum limit" for the uncirculated version of the coin. They continued to accept orders for a waiting list, which would have orders fulfilled on a first-come, first-served basis if coins became available due to order cancellations. The waiting list for the uncirculaed coins was closed after a week on April 30, 2010.
Unrestricted sales of the proof version of the coin continued all the way until June 18, 2010. At that time, the Mint began accepting orders for placement on a waiting list. Up until today, more than six week later, orders were still being accepted for the waiting list. This is the longest I can recall seeing a US Mint product under "waiting list status."
The last reported sales figures indicate that 105,000 of the uncirculaed version of the coin had been sold and 245,000 of the proof coins had been sold. The combined individual sales meet the maximum authorized mintage of 350,000 coins.
Some readers have pointed out the lack of any special sets or collectible products related to this year's commemoratives. Last year, both commemorative silver dollars were included in special products, with the Lincoln Coin and Chronicles Set and the Braille Education Set.
The 2010 Boy Scouts Silver Dollar may have been particularly well suited to a special product or set offering. The US Mint could have created a "Young Collector's Set" as they have for some precious commemorative issues. This would have been appropriate for encouraging or fostering an interest in coin collecting for current Boy Scouts. Another potential idea would have been to create a product incorporating the requirements or educational materials to study for receiving the coin collecting Merit Badge. Finally, an excellent reader suggestion was to create a set including a special version of the 2010 Kennedy Half Dollar, since John F. Kennedy was the first former Boy Scout to become President.
Besides this year, I believe that the last time absolutely no collectible products or sets were available for the year's commemorative coins was back in 2003 with the First Flight Centennial Commemorative Coins. Each year since and for most years prior, at least one of the year's commemorative coins has been incorporated into a separately issued set, multi-coin set, or other educational offering.
Labels: Commemorative Coins
Point is a 100 year commemorative did not do justice to Scouting. Highlighting a girl Venturer, a tiny program since the 1990s, was PC, but not right. Hope the flippers flop on this dud!
When are we going to see final sales figures for the 2009 Uncirculated Mint Set?
They will probably be available by about 2019. :)
The last figures that I cme across was in apirl 2010 with around 727,000
The last available figure was in mid-June with just under 775,000 sets sold. I think it's safe to assume that the number sold was no more than 780,000.
If anything the coin should have had representation of a den mother rather than that goofy venturer program. The den mothers kept the cubs going to progress in the boy scouts. Other designs proposed were substantially better on all levels. Disappointed in that coin and lack of good judgment in selecting that design. Too bad, so sad. Its all history now. Lets move on to the next poor design selection.
The Mint is advertising in May edition of ARTnews for artists to "create U.S. Coin and Medal Designs".
What do we want in coin design? Do we want literal representations or symbolic meaning. I prefer the symbolic meaning. A good example is the POW commemorative silver dollar coin from 1994. A literal representation would be a depiction of a barb wire gate being opened and a POW walking out. Fortunately the actual coin is much better than that idea. It depicts an eagle on the fly with a broken chain attached to its leg. A simple design yet with great symbolic meaning.
Wonder if the Mint will make amends for this turkey on the 200 year anniversary of the Boy Scouts? Oh well, that will be someone else's problem.
Last years commemoratives had a little fun with special packaging. The mint should have found one of the first boy scout manuals and reproduced some of the pages and put the coin in with it. It would have made a nice collectible package. Same thing they should be doing with the national parks quarters.
As a graphic designer I see many opportunities the mint could do some very cool packaging or do some co-product with the BPE. They could have done a cool package with the lincoln commemorative, pennies and the new $5 bill. But for some reason these things aren't explored. At least it looks like they are looking for some new designers. There are many talented designers, but sometimes politics get involved with the process. Hopefully things will change and we'll see some creative designs and packaging in the future.
TK in Minneapolis, MN
Regarding the POW coin mentioned a few comments above. The eagle with the broken chain on its leg is flying through a ring of barb wire on the coin also. Great symbolism in a simple design. The other side shows the POW museum. The proof coin goes for around 60 and the unc. about 90 on the secondary market.
I was a Scout, achieving the rank of Life Scout, but I did not, and would not buy that ugly coin. This was one of the final nails in the collecting coffin for me. At this point I have started selling off my collection. It is just no fun anymore. Too much greed, too many scams, lots of crappy designs, totally unstable and inconsistent TPG grading, ridiculous prices for slabs of junk, and too many cooks (politicos) spoiling the stew at the mint. I am actually having more fun selling everything than I did collecting it over the past five years.
Classic symbolism in coin design may be waning for a few various reasons. The first reason is that as one commenter above pointed out there are too many cooks spoiling the broth, secondly politics (and may I lump in with politics political correctness), and thirdly many don't understand symbolism in an age of concrete thinking. A literal interpretation eliminates thinking at other than a basic level. As an example think back to school years when something had to be completely explained in full for you to understand it. You were unable to grasp the parts and make sense of it. Art is usually known for its symbolic communication i.e. What did the artist mean by that? Possibly a dumbing down of our culture is in progress without us even realizing it. Only to be evidenced in the shadows by some of the less than desirable coin designs selected by those who end up in decision making positions but really have no business being there.
The Boy Scouts coin is one of the most artistic and significant coins made during this young century.
Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. Considering that the coin sold out, clearly those who attack the design are in a minority.
Interesting article on Au in the Economist for anyone interested:
The commentator above must have been stuck with lots of the Boy/Girl Scout duds. Who are you kidding? We all know it was a slow painful sellout. Worst design of the 21st century. Check the glut of aftermarket sales.
Actually, Braille was even worse than the scout coin. But I do agree that the designers have been drinking at the PC kool-aid well the past several years, and they did a major disservice to the BSA. I'm sure the people who made the decisions on the design were not scouts!
At least the Braille set had nice historical info with it.
"i" must be in the "MiNORITY"; "i" actually really like both the Braille & Boy Scouts coins. But then I AM A PROUD US COIN COLLECTOR.
......with low standards! (For coins).
Not sure what's going on with the comments section being closed. Overall there is a high level of disappointment and frutration from collectors and the general public with the too often changing coinage and the lack of quality simple designs like the proof silver eagle. The new pricing of the mint sets is unfair and unjust. The comments on this blog indirectly and sometimes directly reflect the frustration with the mint. The point of any quarters program would be to educate, but this is overkill and the new quarters sheduled to change every few months until 2021 is the last straw for some.
The quarters program is market overkill. The collector who wants one of each will go nuts trying to collect. Instead of putting out a few quality coins the mint is now running a token stamping program. There are a bunch of low quality coins on one end of the spectrum and on the other end high quality gold few can afford. It appears the mint believes the "little people" collectors are content with anything they throw out the door. Maybe they are right.
I work very hard writing this site. I try to provide useful information or unique perspectives in every post. Like many other collectors, I have been disappointed by many of the US Mint's recent decisions and actions, and have tried to voice this in a constructive manner.
Recently there have been some comments posted that are hateful, disrespectful, or vulgar. I appreciate a variety of comments that this site has traditionally enjoyed, whether positive or negative, but recently some have crossed the line of common decency.
I closed comments for the most recent post because I was getting a tired of reading comments posted either in extremely poor taste or for shock value.
Comments will be open for future posts.
Thank you for a balanced and relatively uncensored blog that should be free of inappropriate comments. The trend of discontent with the USMint should be pointed out to both Mr. Moy and Congress. My understanding is that Congress approved the "circus coinage", but perhaps they haven't taken a step back to look at the overall picture. Thanks again, we all appreciate your hard work.
Sidenote: I used to live in Toronto and used to collect the RCM sets and commems every year until it became a "circus" and really couldn't keep up, so I quit and have not looked back. The never ending quarter changes now from the USMint tempt me to do the same.
Michael, thank you for your hard work here. I appreciate all of your timely mint news and great insight whether I like the coins or not. I find your info and advice extremely rewarding in more ways than one.
Michael, thanks for your efforts dude! I hope the dudes from the US Mint read your blog (and our comments). It seems the mint has become increasingly out of touch with consumer sentiment. Due to the price increases of the annual sets (with less coins than previously) I am going to save and buy at a discount later on. Maybe if the Mint would reduce their prices relative to 2008 offerings, I would partake.
Yeah, the Mint's pricing strategy this year could backfire big time. They're trying to make up for lost revenue due to the decreasing product offerings, but since some customers (myself included) are choosing not to buy this year, they will sell less product than they would have at a more reasonable price point, thus costing themselves even more revenue.
So, assuming the mind-set does not change, the Mint will have to raise prices again next year due to the lost revenue from 2010 slower sales. This will result in a vicious cycle of continuing price increases and declines in sales. Something will definitely have to give here, if the Mint wants to survive!
Today is the last day to buy Spouse Gold Coins and 2010 Buffalo.I think Mint will increase price of those coins tomorrow.
Later I will go for Taylor and Pierce Spouse gold sets and Buffalo.
Courtesy of a slight dip in spot price today, the London Fix average this period through Tuesday PM is $1,198.56. However, spot has rebounded back to $1,204.50 at the time of this writing.
Provided the Wednesday AM fix is $1,211.25 or less, this weeks' average will fall in the $1,150-$1,199.99 range. Plus, this week we have the big advantage of the current pricing range in use being the $1,150-$1,199.99 tier. Even if the Wednesday PM fix comes in above $1,200, the price range in use should not change since the weekly average agrees with the range currently in use.
I'm pretty sure we will get at least one more week of the current prices. However, if you have not bought the coins you want yet and are scared of an increase, go ahead and order today. I'll wait until tomorrow to see what happens. If I can delay taking the plunge at least one more week, I will do so.
M, I applaud you for your stand on some of the posts. You are doing a great job FOR US and I appreciate it very much. Stand tall and stand tough. Tim
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