2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set
Today April 1, 2011, the US Mint began sales of the 2011 America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set. This set contains the five quarter designs for this year struck in a composition of 90% silver and 10% copper.

The price of the 2011 quarters silver proof set is $41.95 plus applicable shipping and handling. At the start of the year, the pricing had been announced as $39.95, but the price was adjusted before the release due to the continued rise in the price of silver.
At the same time, the US Mint also adjusted the price of the 2010-dated set from $32.95 to $39.95. This set still remains available for sale.
The value of the silver contained within each 5 coin set is now $34.05 based on the latest figures from Coinflation.com. This is already up more than $2 from the silver value of the set when the US Mint made the pricing adjustments on March 18.
Coin Update News: 2012 Red Book Review
Labels: America the Beautiful Quarters
(0.9042 oz. AG) x $37.68 = $34.07
Great designs, good price. Wouldn't it be nice if the ATB coins simply circulated. If the public ever gets to see these coins I think they'd catch on.
I want a direct ship program for these quarters.
While the price set by the mint is pretty fair given current silver market, $42 for five silver proof quarters still kinda smarts...
Not sure if anyone saw this but it looks like the 2010 sets are on their last leg per the mint (on the 2011 order page)
Complete your collection with the 2010 United States Mint America the Beautiful Quarters Silver Proof Set, while available.
2010 sets were reported to stay on sale through end of 2011.
No arguments but we are talking about the US Mint
Wasn't the 2010 5oz numismatic set supposed to be released by The Mint in first quarter '11?
"Wasn't the 2010 5oz numismatic set supposed to be released by The Mint in first quarter '11?"
Yes. I have been regularly querying the Mint on this, but they have not provided any information on the release.
The Mint appears to be waiting on the APs to complete sales of the 2010 bullion versions. I suspect that is why they used withholding 2011 bullion coins from APs as punishment until they complete sales of their 2010 bullion coins. The Mint doesn't want the APs to have any reason to try to jack prices up on the bullion coins (even though they are "restricted" from doing that). The Mint will be gouging the heck out of customers on these 2010 numismatic coins after complaining when the APs did the same thing. If you can buy a set of these numismatic versions or less than $1500, I'll be shocked.
Will the numismatic versions of the 5 oz. versions be released for 2011? Or just for 2010? If just 2010 I'm glad I got the bullion versions to continue the series, rather one year numismatic and 9 years bullion.
MTB is back at it on E-Bay item#300543035574. Approx. 23 sets left.
I just can't bring myself to pay a price higher than the Mint mandated they be sold at. Maybe MTB will lose their status as an AP. We can only hope.
Round 2 for MTB just started, 96 left. item#300543089453
You have an awesome site!
The heads up about the MTB was great. (now sold out again!).
I previously purchased a set from MTB, so I was not able to take advantage of the ebay listing.
My dad really wanted to purchase a set, but he has been shut out. He has no ebay account and didn't want to set up a paypal account just for this. He's not comfortable sending a check or cash in the mail (or driving to Illinois from Virginia to purchase the set from an AP who accepts in-person orders only!).
He wanted a set for himself, not to flip, so the process has been sort of random and difficult from the APs.
He is anxiously awaiting the official numismatic version from the Mint and hopes he doesn't get shut out from this either.
Thanks for the site and the open exchange of current information.
Michael Thanks a lot
Had it not been for your website,I probably would not have been able to get The 5 oz ATB coins that I just bought from MTB
APMEX has the 5oz ATB selling for $875.00 plus shipping!
Their site is slowed down to a crawl but if you try you might be able to grab a set!
I made sure and got mine.
@5:32 Anon-h*le: ya got me. Had to go check the site out. All I had to do was scroll down a bit on your post. Darn it!
Scroll down a bit in your post in order to see the April 1st. reference! (that is what I meant in my post above)!
Good April Fool's joke, Anon. I was just about to go check it out. :)
Can't you buy a set with your ebay/paypal account and have it shipped to your dad with only his name and address showing?
I just added a new name/shipping address to my paypal account. That's all they will get from ebay.
I'm looking forward to the 5 oz Gettysburg bullion coin that will be released in late April with a mintage of 125,000...let's see what that does to the 2010 coins.
I just bought my 5oz at MTB on ebay. Thank to the post here, I was able go there and buy it today. I can't wait to get it.
Your Dad's not comfortable sending a check in the mail???
I've been doing it since the 1970s and haven't lost money yet. There's also registered mail, you can tell him!
Yes, thanks to those posting about MTB selling ATB sets. I was able to purchase one, too. Remember that today between 8 am- 12 pm eastern, Coins-n-Things will be taking phone orders for the ATB 5 oz. sets. Thanks again Michael for having a great site!!
...I just added a new name/shipping address to my paypal account. That's all they will get from ebay...
That is an alternate address and not a confirmed I address I believe. They may not accept that. If you notice your PayPal receipt it wall say confirmed address above your name. This will not say that I believe. Further, you would have to use a different name because they check names too. They might call and clarify.
Hours of busy signals was a thing of the 1990s.
Seems like a waste of manpower on both ends (ours and theirs).
i have called 54 times so far getting a busy signal at CNT
I got a live person!
I called every 30 seconds for 53 minutes while eating a bowel of cereal, watching the news and even throwing a load of laundry in the wash. I figured if I'm up this early might as well be productive.
I spoke to a nice guy. He told me the details of the program and took my name and number indicating I would get a call back in about 4 hours.
So just keep trying! My heart skipped a beat when it actually rang!
You couldn't even place your order?
An all day event?
I've tried unsuccessfully around 100X since 7:55am
IF I get through, I have to be available all day for a call back?
I've got kids baseball and soccer games to go to.
This is really BS!
That's why they have cell phones. I gave both my home and cell number.
So I'll lounge around in my PJ's until I get a call. Fortunately, as a bachelor, I can afford to do this!
I was ticked off too having to call and getting the busy signal. But I got lucky. Just keep trying!
What are the terms and price?
Out of the blue I got a call from DG yesterday. I'll be sending in my check (personal) today.
CNT just called me back 35 minutes after I got through to a live person. So I didn't wait 4 hours. Mailing my check today.
Nice they are calling you lucky folks back now, tying up the lines so the not so lucky ones like me are spending all morning acting like a kid trying to get through to the radio station to get the free concert tickets.
My situation was identical to the 6:01 post. Had to redial for about an hour and ten minutes before getting through to a nice guy who you've got to feel for. How bad do you think it is for him to deal with all this. The price is $1100 for the ATB 5 oz set as well as some pre-1965 silver to avoid paying a 6% sales tax. Waiting for someone from CNT to call back. It is worth the effort!!
...Nice they are calling you lucky folks back now...
I got a call back from another number. It wasn't a 1-800 number. Don't know if they are one and the same. Spoke to a nice girl.
I feel like I won something even though I have to pay for it!
After trying forever on a land line, I got through 2nd call on my cell.
I got through around 10:13 am EST. Talk to a guy, who said a girl will call me back in 30min. I have been trying since 7:59. I couldn't believe it when the phone ring. I so happy. Keep on trying if you are still calling...that's what I did. Good Luck!
$1100/set=25ozs + 4.34 ozs 90%
comes out to 37.49 per oz.
Hope the numismatic version comes out soon, and hope it is not going to break the bank (probably will).
The blame for the APs should be directed at the Mint and APMEX for the initial price gouging that caused the uneasyness for everyone else.
Bet if the first spouse program was on 5oz silver instead of 1/2 oz gold, they would be selling more and the Mint would have more profit.
With gold so high, nice silver products are becoming more and more desirable. Some of the silver proof sets you could barely give away, now they all are hot items. I bought some 2000 silver proof sets for around $25 less than a year ago and they have almost doubled!
Ironic that the 1999 silver sets have been the big duds for the past year, trending down with pricing and the worst investment of all the annual silver products!
Who would have guessed?
I suppose the actual total mintages never really supported the 1999 gains.
The 2011 Silver Proof Set seem like a fair deal, but no better than the other options available on the aftermarket.
I don't get the "no tax" thing.
heh, still hitting redial, still getting a busy signal ..
Got a nice set from MTB last week for around $960 total by calling them after hearing about it on this blog, and ..
-- Wait! I'm getting an actual dial tone!!
"Hello, how may I help you?"
"Uh, I'm calling about the ATB sets?"
"Alright sir, you'll receive a 5-piece ATB set plus six dollars worth of 90% silver coins to avoid a 6% sales tax, bringing the total to $1100."
"How can extra silver be a bad thing? I'm in."
"Alright sir, if you give me your phone number where you can be reached in the next half-hour, a gal will call you with the particulars."
"Hey thanks!"
"You're welcome sir, you have a nice day."
.. well that was sweet! As I was saying, got a set from MTB last week and have orders in from Jack Hunt (#18xx) and one from FideliTrade ... I didn't give my SS in the FT order so may not get that one. I'm buying all I can get my hands on first and asking questions later .
I think the US Mint should disqualify all APs except for FideliTrade and A-Mark, as they were the only ones that fully did everything in their power to follow the rules they laid down. The US Mint should not only take the future sales of ATBs away from them, they should fully de-authorize them of ALL PRIVILEGES they receive as an AP.
The APs have snubbed their noses at the US Mint and the public enough. They made their own rules and spat on everyone else.
If they don't punish them for not following the rules, why have any rules at all? One forced the public buy other products, one only sold to walk-ins, and it's very clear that they sold out the back doors to the Pros. Being an AP is an extension of the arm of the US Mint, and the public should demand they be removed!
I got in on MTB last week for a set of the ATB's ... still haven't seen the coins or an email that they have been shipped.
Previously, called MTB and they're legitimately rude.
Years ago I bot 5-lb's of silver coins from Robert Chambers - mostly junk but some VERY nice pickers (Merc's, Walking Libs etc.) in there. I would never buy coins on TV but this was one I did..back in 2000.
How does buying the extra silver with the set exempt you from sales tax? If your order is out of state you would not pay tax anyway.
I've bought from just about every AP except MTB. They are rude, vile people with no class and I refuse to do business with them.
...I bought some 2000 silver proof sets for around $25 less than a year ago and they have almost doubled!...
Everyday I cruise eBay and pilfer silver proof and quarter sets below or at spot price even with shipping factored in. I found one guy last week and bought out his entire silver proof quarter set collection at $28.00 a set. I use the silver coin calculator on coinflation to determine the price.
It's a fun way to accumulate silver and more enjoyable to look at than generic bars.
Just mailed out my check to CNT. I was told it would get there Monday.
its noon. turn off the lights the party is over.
2 minutes per customer for 4 hours they should of sold about 120 sets.
Well, count me in as one of those 120.
Just keep an eye on the website for another run.
I don't know why they just don't keep open phone lines until they're sold out.
I called MTB last month when I got home from work and placed an order. No wait, no busy signal, no frustration, etc...
Or they should do like Jack Hunt (although with a secure web page) and have people print out a receipt and mail in payment. Anything over the number of sets available would be rejected. Any duplicates or false transactions would be rejected and then re-posted online until you run out.
I just don't understand why The Gold Center, Prudential, and Coins N Things were either too lazy or too dumb to spend a couple hundred dollars to setup a fully functional website to streamline their ATB selling.
Atleast The Gold Center and Prudential did their caveman like selling quick... it took Coins N Things three and a half months to plug in a telephone. IT'S 2011 PEOPLE!
Spend a few hundred to setup a website, profit hundreds of thousands in a few hours - that's what the smart APs did.
But, than again, I guess you don't really need a website when you are just going to sell your coins to CSN in early January....
It seems really lame that this is only the 2nd year of the ATB quarters and already we have new packaging, so having the complete collection together already looks weird.
o.k everyone who bought a mtb set on ebay owes me $5.00 for the info
Just FYI I got a call from DG yesterday and a very nice lady gave me the all info, after telling me that they had reserved a set for me. I sent in a check today by ordinary postal mail (44 cents). Could NOT beat their price. I would have to count Dillon Gage as one of the best places to do business.
I believe from what I have read that APMEX and Gold Center need an audit, since it clearly appears they were selling sets out the back door. Some of the other APs had various problems, but appeared to have complied with the Mint's terms.
The place from illinois that would only take walk-ins were completely full of cra*!
Please tell the government/congress that a USMint authorized purchaser would only sell to you if you personally came to their shop in I'LL.
They should immediately get audited and punished!
What is APMEX doing with all their sets? They can't buy 2011's unless they can certify they sold all the 2010's to the public, which they obviously can't do. Unless they said screw the whole thing and returned them to the Mint, which is highly unlikely, they must have sold them wholesale. Why are ther no repercussions for that? Please contact the Mint and tell them about this. I was at a show yesterday talking to a dealer who does big business with APMEX and he said APMEX has even tried to stiff them for large payments! It used to be a good company, but the new management has destroyed APMEX, and the Mint should definitely strip it of its AP status. Compare their prices on numismatic items with a company like Modern Coin Mart, and you will see what a scam it has become.
I received my ATB set from Coins-N-Things today. Great looking coins. I've purchased 5 sets now from AP's and have had them graded...so I can pretty much tell how these will grade. 3 are PL and 2 are DMPL...grades 67-69.
As for their sales receipt, it is broken down like this:
ATB set...$858.00
6 dollar face 90% silver coins $175
As for the 6 dollars in pre-1965 coins, I was surprised...I expected to get 1964 quarters, dimes and some half dollars.
I received 12 Barber Half Dollars from 1901-1911...they included Philly, New Orleans, Denver & San Fran mint marks (well, of course the Philly did not have a mint mark.)
I hope all of you waiting to get a set from CNT's will also be happy!
I agree that although some methods have been a bit annoying, APMEX and Gold Center (the Illinois walk-in only scammers) should be carefully audited and booted out of any direct relationship with the US Mint. I'm ok with the rest of the APs, though I missed out on most. Everyone seemed happy with A-Mark, but I totally missed their offering. At least I saved some $ for the numismatic version (if ever released!).
How refreshing, a topic completely taken over by ATB bullion discussion...
ATB quarters is the topic of the blog, and many appreciate dicussions on related and timely subjects.
5:45pm: GO AWAY!
After reading the posting by Anonymous at 5:00 pm, I opened my ATB set from Coins-N-Things which also arrived today. I can verify everything that Anonymous at 5:00 pm wrote. The coins all look great with a PL quality to them.
As with the 5:00 pm posting, I too expected quarters and dimes circa 1964. Instead, I received 12 Barber half dollars. Mine ranged in dates from 1900 to 1912 and were a mix of Denver (D), Philly, San Francisco (S) and New Orleans (O) mint marks. I would have been very surprised at this if I hadn't read that earlier post.
I am delighted with what I received from CNT and consider it well worth the $1100 cost. Kudos to CNT!!
Now when the 2011 ATB 5 oz start come out in a few weeks (to whichever APs are eligible), will the 10% markup and only direct to public rules still be in effect?
Issue price at today's silver price of $37.86 per oz. plus $10 mint markup plus 10% AP markup would be $219.23 each or 1096.15 for the set of 5 plus 5 times shipping (assuming one buys each one separately as it is issued).
So this year's will probably be the cheapest. Maybe I'll save my duplicate sets instead of flipping them and trade them for the new ones as they come out.
Now when the 2011 ATB 5 oz start come out in a few weeks (to whichever APs are eligible), will the 10% markup and only direct to public rules still be in effect?
NO--since the mintage will be 125,000 per coin, the Mint will not have the AP's have the restrictions they did with the 2010. They will be able to sell them just as they do the ASE bullion coins.
The Mint's price fixing days are numbered on these 5 ounce coins. The free market will reign again!
It has always been against the rules and intent and purpose of bullion programs for the companies allowed to have a distribution monopoly to charge a high premium for any bullion coins.
While the Mint is not spelling it out this time around, and placing household limits - it should be well understood by all consumers and APs that no outrageous premiums are allowed.
If any bullion coin is marked up 90% at the first level of distribution - like APMEX did with the 2010 ATB bullion coins - that is a clear violation of the APs contract, purpose, and intent of the bullion program.
If these companies pull any stunts this time, which I suspect they will - immediate banishment from the AP program and personal bans for the actual owners from association with the Mint would be the only fair response.
The Gold Center, APMEX, Prudential, and Coins N Things should definately be audited for their very suspicious behavior reguarding the 2010 ATB coins, if you want to be picky.
Or maybe the act that there are 125,000 of each coin instead of 33,000 will lead to a lower price? Funny how supply and demand work.
Anyone who got through on
Saturday please help. So happy to get callback from CNT lady and not be waiting by phone all day, I forgot what she said about who to make the check out to.
Is it "CNT" or "Coins 'n Things"?
Make check out to: CNT, Inc.
Mail to:
CNT, Inc.
Attn: ATB
350 Bedford St.
Bridgewater, MA 02324
Congrats on snagging a set.
If anyone has received their ATB set from Coins N Things - can you tell me if theirs are in air tites or not?
I asked the customer service person, and she didn't know! They are going to profit a million dollars or more from these items, and they can't even tell you how they will be packaged!
CNT ATB are in airtite capsules...read my post at 5:00 pm on April 2 for some more info on the set i received.
Got my Fedex confirmation from Jack Hunt! I'm getting my set April 6.
For those of you concerned about sending money orders, fear not, I'm gettin' mine!
I also received comfirmation Fedex will receive set on April 6.Sent postal money-order.
Got my e-mail from Jack Hunt too. They will be shipping it today. I should get it by April 7. That is nice, I thought It would take longer, but this is way better. My order number is in the mid 800.
Me too!!!! that was a fast 4 to 6 weeks.
michael...heres another post ...for full post...u.s. mint to sell the 5 ounce hot springs atb on 4/28/2011
My order from Jack Hunt was in the 1100's. Sent in a postal money order. Receiving my set Tuesday 4/5
Was hoping the Mint would sell the ATB's as a set.
I was hoping the Mint would sell the 2010 ATB 5 oz. coins as a set, too, but I guess I should have known better than to think they might. They will get a lot more s/h charges this way, forcing us to buy all five individually. This is one item we can't wait until all are available before buying (Hot Springs anyway), since everyone knows good and well they will sell out within hours.
The price won't even matter for Hot Springs. Regardless of what it is, it will still sell out in a few hours. If it does not make the flippers any money due to higher acquisition cost and all 27,000 coins hitting the secondary market at once, they might leave the Yellowstone and onwards coins alone. They might still take a chance on Yellowstone, but if it also does not perform well, they will most certainly bail out by the time Yosemite goes on sale.
Time will tell.
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